The publications

2007 Overspel (Adultery)
Thomas Leerdam’s wife was to blame for his misfortune: from manager of a five star hotel he has fallen down to underpaid receptionist in a motel. Sometimes he was so sick and tired of the secret stuff that was going on and the adultery atmosphere, that the only way out seemed to be winning the lottery. One day he found a suitcase, left behind in a hotel room by a rich businessman,
2005: De Kracht van het Bloed (The Power of Blood)
A compelling epic about two families forced to share each other’s fate, even though they are archenemies: a thrilling, tragic novel full of historical facts.
2003: Medeschuldig (Accessory)
At later age the Jewish painter Jozef Heine becomes conscience-smitten for his role at the events in Sabra and Sjatila and the death of his first wife Rachel, which is inextricably bound up with that. When he, on his sixtieth birthday, wakes up with a terrible hangover and a destroying pain in his genitals, he fears that the final countdown has started. He decides that he himself will put a stop to it at the right moment. But before that time comes, he wants to make a clean sweep and let his life change course. He will no longer paint pornographic pop-art, but real art instead. He will make an end of his relation with Julia, the nude model he lives with. If necessary he will even turn back to the Middle East and give his all for peace. All his good intentions are taken down when little later he finds the lifeless body of Julia at the bottom of the stairs and realizes that he killed her in a drunk fit. If he doesn’t want to spend the last few months of his life in prison, then he’ll have to make her body dissapear. To Heine that is almost an impossible task. And his life doesn’t become any easier when he also crosses the path of the fugitive Sofie Moons, who has just escaped from the prison of Ghent.
2002: The Chunnel Syndrome In EBook
"When I finished The Chunnel Syndrome I mentally tipped my hat to the author. In a well-structured and exciting book, Bob Mendes weaves an imaginary story around the Herald of Free Enterprise-ferryboat disaster. He points an accusing finger at 'modern robber barons' whose goal is to be 'disgustingly rich'. Mendes has an exceptional gift...
2001: Bloedrecht (Blood Feuth)
While serving his time in prison a South-African pilot finds the way to perform the diamond robbery of the 21st century and take revenge at his arch-enemy
2000: Dirty Dancing
Collection of short story’s relating to a jewish female private-eye Sam Keizer
1999: De smaak van vrijheid (The taste of liberty)
A thriller with autobiographic elements playing in the Buchenwald concentration camt and post-war Germany
Verslag aan de Koning (Report to the King) short story’s
1998: De Kracht van het Ijs (The Power of Ice):
About power and abuse in the oil business, playing in Alaska during the construction of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline (spin-off to The Power of Fire).
Written in two versions:

Also published in short version (128 p.) on special order for the Month of the Triller in Holland.
1997: Misdaad en Meesterschap (Crime and mastery):
A collection of 4 short story's (including a story relating the first day of the Yom Kippour-War).
1996: De kracht van het vuur (The Power of Fire):
epic thriller about passion and revenge in the Middle-East.
1995: Meedogenloos (Merciless)
Collection of 4 novels: Fraud with transplant of organs, road-hogs, etc.
1994: Link (Cybermafia):
faction-thriller about computercriminals and their relations with Italian and Belgian (Frenchspeaking) Maffia.
1993: Rassen/Rellen (Races/Riots):
faction-thriller around the Rodney King-affaire in Los Angeles in 1992.
1992: Vergelding (Vengeance):
subtitle: Prelude to Saddams war: faction-thriller based on reel events in Iraq and Western-Europe i.q. the Super-Gun sold to Saddam Houssain by the late (murdered) American scientist Gerald Bull.
1991: De fraudejagers (The Fraud Hunters):
Sociopolitical thriller about corruption and tax fraud.
1990: De vierde soera (The fourth Sura):
faction-thriller around a nuclair waste scandal in Belgium, play's partly in Abu Dabi
1989: Het chunnel syndroom (The Chunnel Syndrome):
faction-thriller around the disaster with the Herald of Free Enterprise a ferry-boat that capsised in the Harbour of Zeebruges.
1988: Een dag van schaamte (A Day of Shame):
crime-novel around the Heysel Disaster (European Cup Game Juventus-Liverpool)
1987: Alfa en Omega (Alpha and Omega):
Collection of Poems
1986: Bestemming terreur (Destination Terror):


Met rook geschreven (Written with smoke):
Collection of poems
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